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Showing results 141-150 of 168 for accessible technologies

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  • Webinar
    Quality Indicators 5 and 6 icon.

    3:00PM – 4:00PM ET on Tuesday, March 26, 2019

    Join a discussion with AEM leaders from Florida and Indiana about strategies for collecting and using data on student use of accessible educational materials (AEM). What information is most relevant? How are data collected and tracked? How do you know if AEM is being used effectively? To get the most out of the webinar, please review AEM Quality Indicators 5 and 6 ahead of time. And because the process of providing AEM requires collaboration, gather your colleagues to watch the webinar together!target audience? To get the most out of the webinar, please review AEM Quality Indicator 4 ahead of time. And because the process of providing AEM requires collaboration, gather your colleagues to watch the webinar together!

  • Webinar
    Quality Indicator 7 icon.

    3:00PM – 4:00PM ET on Tuesday, April 2, 2019

    In this final webinar of the AEM Quality Indicator series, AEM leaders from Iowa and Texas will share resources in their states for providing accessible educational materials (AEM) for all learners. What fiscal and human resources are required? What does the infrastructure look like? To get the most out of the webinar, please review AEM Quality Indicator 7 ahead of time. And because the process of providing AEM requires collaboration, gather your colleagues to watch the webinar together!

  • Find answers to your questions about selecting formats based on a learner’s need, Checkpoint 3 of the process for selecting accessible formats.

  • The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    Turn learning barriers into learning opportunities by exploring the world of accessibility and Universal Design for Learning in this monthly podcast.

  • Presentation
    Icon of person presenting in front of an audience

    Monday, July 18 – Thursday, July 21, 2022

    This session highlights the progress being made in Oklahoma to build and sustain a coordinated system for providing AEM and accessible technologies for learners with disabilities across early childhood, P-12, higher ed, and workforce training. Promising practices and resources that can be adapted for immediate use by other states will be shared.

  • Review the sections of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 related to NIMAS.

  • Learn how to improve the accessibility of your documents, including presentation slides, for users with disabilities. This module shows you how to add text descriptions for images, provide flexible navigation options, check for color contrast, and more.

  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2023

    Meet the authors of Inclusive Learning 365: Edtech Strategies for Every Day of the Year and listen in on their conversation about the importance of an inclusive mindset.

  • Graphic of laptop showing an open book on screen, with laptop surrounded by open books. Credit: Shuttertock, Belozersky

    Learn about the benefits of EPUB and how to create your own accessible publications using this flexible format.

  • Find answers to your questions about the learning context in which accessible formats will be used, Checkpoint 1 of the process for selecting accessible formats.

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