Coordinating Workforce Development Systems

Career training and other workforce development activities take place across a variety of settings. For example, students with disabilities transition to a range of postsecondary programs, including two- and four-year colleges, career training programs (e.g., pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships), and directly to employment or to seeking employment. The Critical Components of the Quality Indicators for Workforce Development are designed to assist in the development of coordinated systems that result in the timely provision of accessible materials and technologies for all students and job seekers with disabilities who need them, regardless of the setting where services are provided to them.
Workforce development agencies and programs, both secondary and post-secondary, will find the Workforce Development Critical Components of the Quality Indicators for the Provision of Accessible Educational Materials & Accessible Technologies useful for implementing statutory requirements that mandate equitable access to learning opportunities for career seekers with disabilities, including equal access to printed materials, digital materials, and technologies.
Workforce Development Critical Components of the AEM Quality Indicators
Workforce development agencies and programs, both secondary and post-secondary, will find the Quality Indicators useful for implementing statutory requirements that mandate equitable access to learning opportunities for career seekers with disabilities, including equal access to printed materials, digital materials, and technologies.
AEM Center at CAST
Workforce Development: Synthesis of Knowledge Development Findings
This synthesis summarizes these knowledge development activities that informed the development of version 2.0 of the Critical Components for Providing Accessible Materials and Technologies for Workforce Development Programs.
AEM Center at CAST
Workforce Development Study Guide
This guide is also designed to prepare individuals to be active and meaningful contributors to a team that is working toward systemic changes in programmatic accessibility as it relates to workforce development
AEM Center at CAST
Explore all the videos in our Accessible Learning Across the Lifespan series.
Relevant Laws and Policies
In addition to guiding career training and workforce development service providers toward more inclusive programs, the Quality Indicators address the following laws and policies related to equal access for students and job seekers with disabilities:
- Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), as relates to the provision of accessible materials and technologies for career seekers and employees who need them
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as relates to the provision of auxiliary aids and services in a timely manner to career seekers in postsecondary programs that receive federal funding
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as relates to Titles I and II, and the provision of auxiliary aids and services described in Section 504, regardless of federal funding provided to the career training agency/program
- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as relates to federal technology accessibility standards in the procurement of digital materials and technologies