Accessible Educational Materials in the IEP: Why, Where, and How

Friday, March 3, 2023
1:00PM –
2:00PM ET
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CEC 2023
Louisville, KY
Cynthia Curry and Michelle Soriano, CAST
Conference Attendees
Participants will learn specific components of the IEP where it may be appropriate to refer to a student’s need for and use of AEM to meet their educational goals. Guiding questions, examples, and sample wording will be provided. Participants will be encouraged to follow along by annotating their own state/district IEP form. An accompanying “AEM in the IEP” guide will be used during the presentation, which participants will take as a resource for use in their states and districts. As a result of practitioner implementation of practices that improve the IEPs of students who need AEM, students will be more likely to access the curriculum at the same time as their peers, participate fully in assessments, and self-advocate for AEM as they transition to postsecondary opportunities. Participants will learn the following strategies for the next IEP they develop:
- Determine a student’s need for AEM as part of considerations related to evaluation, present levels of performance, and special factors;
- Set IEP goals that describe how a student will use AEM to make progress in the general education curriculum;
- Identify supplementary aids and services for students who use AEM; and
- Align AEM used in daily instruction with accommodations needed in large-scale assessments.