Showing results 91-100 of 219 for Materials Accessibility
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2:30PM – 3:00PM ET on Friday, May 19, 2023
Join us as we take a deep dive into the why of accessibility and leave with loads of FREE digital resources to support inclusive environments for ALL!
Determining a learner's need is the first step in a multi-step decision-making process for acquiring accessible formats.
The AEM Pilot is an interactive web-based tool that guides K-12 districts and states to become more inclusive learning spaces for students with disabilities. Building background knowledge about accessible educational materials and technologies, conducting self-assessments, and monitoring continuous progress are all facilitated by the AEM Pilot.
Learn about the NIMAS and the NIMAC, two key provision of IDEA 2004, the special education law for elementary and secondary education in the U.S.
11:30AM – 12:30PM ET on Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Technology features, such as on-demand read-aloud and other customizable supports, allow students to personalize their reading experience to meet their own unique needs and preferences. Join this fun session as we explore how you can create and ensure that your educational materials are accessible, and ways accessible and assistive technologies interact with those materials so that students can decode and interact with the content.
Discover accessible learning across the lifespan in these short and informative videos designed to start conversations about the importance of accessibility and accessible materials in your context.
AEM Center at CAST, 2023
This guide is aligned with the Quality Indicators with Critical Components for Providing AEM and Accessible Technologies in Higher Education. Using the Innovation Configuration (IC) for the AEM Quality Indicators, campus/system representatives identify the level that best describes the implementation stage of each Critical Component, from “not started” to “robust.”
AEM Center at CAST, 2021
Learn detailed yet easily implemented techniques for evaluating the accessibility of open education resources in a variety of formats.
Learn about the responsibilities of state education and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) related to the provision of accessible formats from NIMAS files.
3:00PM – 4:00PM ET on Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Join a discussion with AEM leaders from Florida and Texas about policies and guidelines that support the provision of accessible educational materials (AEM) for all learners. What should be included in policies? How are guidelines developed and communicated? Who shares in the responsibilities? To get the most out of the webinar, please review AEM Quality Indicator 3 ahead of time. And because the process of providing AEM requires collaboration, gather your colleagues to watch the webinar together!