AEM Quality Indicators for K-12, Part 2: Developing and Implementing Written Guidelines

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
3:00PM –
4:00PM ET
Join a discussion with AEM leaders from Florida and Texas about policies and guidelines that support the provision of accessible educational materials (AEM) for all learners. What should be included in policies? How are guidelines developed and communicated? Who shares in the responsibilities? To get the most out of the webinar, please review AEM Quality Indicator 3 ahead of time. And because the process of providing AEM requires collaboration, gather your colleagues to watch the webinar together!
Cynthia Curry, Director, AEM Center; David Davis, PS/RtI-Technology & Learning Connections|Florida’s MTSS Projects; Jessica McKay, AT Specialist, Ysleta ISD Special Education, Texas
K-12, Families
Webinar Slides (MS PowerPoint)
Missed the first webinar in the series? Visit the Webinar Event page to link to the recording!
Part 1: Meeting Timely Manner through a Coordinated System