AEM Quality Indicators for K-12, Part 1: Meeting Timely Manner through a Coordinated System

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
3:00PM –
4:00PM ET
Ensuring that all learners receive accessible educational materials (AEM) in a timely manner requires a coordinated provision system. In this first webinar of a 5-part series, join AEM leaders from Iowa, Ohio, and Texas in a discussion about how these states implement NIMAS requirements for print materials and meet digital accessibility requirements for edtech. To get the most out of the webinar, please review AEM Quality Indicator 1 and Quality Indicator 2 ahead of time. And because the process of providing AEM requires collaboration, gather your colleagues to watch the webinar together!
Cynthia Curry, Director, AEM Center; Joy Lyons, DE Contractor, Bureau of Learner Strategies and Supports, Iowa Department of Education; Rachel Schultz, AEM Specialist, AT & AEM Center, Ohio; Angela Standridge, Education Specialist, Region 4 Education Service Center, Texas
K-12, Families