Showing results 91-100 of 186 for Accessible Educational Materials
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Find answers to commonly asked questions about NIMAS and related topics such as the NIMAC, state and local agency requirements, and the provision of accessible formats from NIMAS filesets.
11:30AM – 12:30PM ET on Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Technology features, such as on-demand read-aloud and other customizable supports, allow students to personalize their reading experience to meet their own unique needs and preferences. Join this fun session as we explore how you can create and ensure that your educational materials are accessible, and ways accessible and assistive technologies interact with those materials so that students can decode and interact with the content.
4:00PM – 5:00PM ET on Wednesday, May 20, 2020
In this presentation, participants will dive into the three core principles of UDL: multiple means of engagement, representation and action and expression. Examples for addressing each principle through the intentional design of accessible educational materials will be provided, along with a range of AEM Center and CAST resources that education professionals can use to continue their own learning on UDL and AEM and create professional development opportunities for others.
AEM Center Advisory Committee members represent a range of Early Learning, K-12 and Postsecondary education, and Workforce Development constituents and their expertise informs the Center's technical assistance efforts.
2:45PM – 3:45PM ET on Wednesday, January 27, 2021
In this session, we'll introduce an openly available protocol for evaluating the accessibility of created or curated OERs in a number of formats (Word and Google documents, PDFs, videos, and more).
National AEM Center at CAST, 2022
Are using assistive technologies and accessible educational materials cheating? Find out in our season two opener.
Administrative Coordinator
Learn about the responsibilities of state education and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) related to the provision of accessible formats from NIMAS files.
AEM Center at CAST, 2022
This guide is aligned with the Quality Indicators with Critical Components for Providing AEM and Accessible Technologies in K-12. Using the Innovation Configuration (IC) for the AEM Quality Indicators, agency representatives identify the level that best describes the implementation stage of each Critical Component, from “not started” to “robust.”
Explore the coordinating systems needed for Workforce Development and learn how to develop or revise a workforce development system to address best practices for the provision of accessible materials and technologies.