Showing results 11-17 of 17 for FAQs
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Find answers to your questions about the learning context in which accessible formats will be used, Checkpoint 1 of the process for selecting accessible formats.
How do you know if a learner needs accessible formats? You will find answers to your most common questions about the first step in a multi-step process for acquiring these formats for learners who need them.
On May 26, 2020 the U.S. Department of Education issues a Notice of Interpretation (NOI) permitting the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) to accept files derived from digital instructional materials.
Find answers to your questions about selecting formats based on a learner’s need, Checkpoint 3 of the process for selecting accessible formats.
Learn about the responsibilities of state education and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) related to the provision of accessible formats from NIMAS files.
Contact details and related information for State AEM coordinators for U.S. states, territories, and freely associated states.
Find answers to commonly asked questions about NIMAS and related topics such as the NIMAC, state and local agency requirements, and the provision of accessible formats from NIMAS filesets.