Leveraging the National AEM Center’s Resources

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
12:45PM –
2:15PM ET
Find out the start time in your time zone.
AT-TIES Together 2023
Salem, OR
Cynthia Curry, CAST
Conference Attendees
If you’re in need of technical assistance and resources for providing accessible educational materials (AEM) for learners - from preschool through postsecondary - look no further than the website of the National AEM Center (aem.cast.org). We have guidance on every aspect of AEM: acquiring, creating, using, and coordinating with your agency or institution to build a sustainable system for accessibility for all learners. Based at CAST, the AEM Center team has developed a robust collection of resources that provide multiple representations of information, including publications, graphics, video, and even a podcast. All of our resources are freely available and openly licensed so you can re-use, adapt, and customize for your own purposes. And, of course, you can be assured that accessibility is built in!