Decision-Making & Accessible Formats

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
2:30PM –
4:00PM ET
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AT-TIES Together 2023
Salem, OR
Cynthia Curry, CAST
Conference Attendees
For some learners with disabilities, text-based educational materials present a barrier to their participation in the general education curriculum. Some students may have visual disabilities that make it difficult for them to see text and images. Other students may be unable to hold educational materials because of a physical disability. Still others may be unable to read or derive meaning from static or fixed text in print or certain digital materials because of a learning disability. These students require another way to access the information needed to participate and achieve in the general curriculum. This need can be addressed by providing the identical information in one or more accessible formats. In this session, the term “accessible formats” will be clearly defined, and participants will be guided through a four-step process for providing and supporting their use in general education.