#GoOpen National Network: Engaging A Wider Community in K-12 Action

Monday, October 17, 2022
3:00PM –
3:00PM ET
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2022 Open Education Conference
Cynthia Curry, CAST; Amee Godwin, ISKME; Sean Nash, Basehor-Linwood, KS School District; Barbara Soots, WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Conference Attendees
Having emerged as an opportunity to redesign #GoOpen when the U.S. Department of Education sunset the initiative in early 2022, the #GoOpen National Network is modeled on collaborative leadership. In this session, participants will learn about #GoOpen lead partners and steering committee efforts to develop leadership structures, engagement tools, and strategic plans to support shifts and actions aimed at advancing OER in the K-12 domain. Presenters will provide a tour of a new centralized hub for #GoOpen engagement. The hub is being developed to support a broad-based national platform of participation with states and districts with established OER initiatives, collaborative working groups, resource curation of curriculum, as well as resources about OER policy and practice, and general announcements and relevant updates about the K-12 landscape generally.