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Accessibility in Open Educational Resources Academy

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Tuesday, September 27 – Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Cynthia Curry, Luis Pérez, and Michelle Soriano, CAST; Joanna Schimizzi and Mindy Boland, ISKME

We encourage multidisciplinary district teams of 3-5 educators that represent a diversity of lived experiences, classroom expertise, and current educational roles. Consider representatives from general ed, special ed, ed tech, assistive technology, library media, and administration.

Level of Expertise


The National AEM Center and our partners at ISKME invite teams of educators to learn how to use accessible Open Educational Resources (OER) throughout a six-week Academy series. We invite districts to form teams of 2-5 educators to join us throughout a six-week Academy series where they will receive a curated set of high quality resources to review and adapt for use in their own settings. Our joint Accessible OER Academy series is provided at no-cost to educators and will introduce district cohorts to how openly licensed resources can be key levers for both adapting existing resources to increase accessibility and using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to design resources that are accessible for learners with disabilities from the start. The resources and engagement will occur on OER Commons and all resources will be organized into collections that can be posted to OER Commons’ partner Hubs and pushed to partner microsites.

This is a 6-part workshop. All sessions take place from 7-8 PM ET:

101: Fundamentals of Accessibility and OER - Tuesday, September 27 and Tuesday, October 4, 2022
201: Adapting and Creating Accessible OER  - Tuesday, October 11 and Tuesday, October 18, 2022
301: Curating and Evaluating OER for Accessibility - Tuesday, October 25 and Tuesday, November 1, 2022

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