Quality Indicators for Guiding Systems Change in Higher Ed Digital Accessibility

Thursday, July 21, 2022
4:00PM –
5:30PM ET
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AHEAD 2022
Cleveland, OH
Cynthia Curry, CAST; Joanne Benica, University of Southern Maine; Rob Carr, WebAIM; Carolyn Philips, Center for Inclusive Design & Innovation, Georgia Tech
Conference Attendees
Based on the volume of related civil rights complaints brought forth by disabled students and disability advocates over the past decade, inaccessible course content and instructional technologies undeniably contribute to disparities in higher ed outcomes for students with disabilities. Vetted by experts in higher ed technology accessibility, the National AEM Center’s Quality Indicators with Critical Components for Higher Ed assist institutions with planning, implementing, and evaluating systems for providing accessible materials and technologies for all students. In this session, participants will be led through activities that demonstrate how the Quality Indicators can be implemented by their institutions. Strategies will be introduced for developing cross-functional leadership; identifying roles and responsibilities of administrators, faculty, and staff; improving policies and guidelines; providing training and technical assistance; collecting and using data for continuous improvement; and allocating resources. Perspectives and recommendations will be provided on how to use the Quality Indicators to educate institutional leadership on the cross-cutting effort required to create a coordinated system for providing accessible materials and technologies.