SETDA Leadership in Creating Systems for Digital Accessibility

Thursday, May 5, 2022
2:00PM –
3:00PM ET
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Cynthia Curry, CAST; Donna Murray, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction; Mark Nichols, Virginia Tech; Joanne Benica, University of Southern Maine
SETDA Members
Level of Expertise
The obligation of states and districts to provide accessible educational materials (AEM) and technologies for students with disabilities is widely known. Yet most states don’t yet have a common understanding of what “accessible” means, how to ask or evaluate for accessibility in procurement, or the ultimate impact on the outcomes of learners who require it. The National AEM Cohort is a four-year collaboration of seven states receiving intensive technical assistance from CAST’s AEM Center to increase the availability and use of AEM and accessible technologies for all learners. Four of these states have engaged SETDA members on their leadership teams. In this webinar, you’ll be introduced to the replicable process these states are following and hear specifically about the role that SETDA leadership is playing for North Carolina.