Coordinating K–12 Systems

The Critical Components of the Quality Indicators for K-12 are designed to facilitate the coordination that is needed to ensure students with disabilities in K-12 settings have timely access to the accessible materials and technologies they need for equal participation in learning. They were the initial set of Critical Components of the Quality Indicators developed between 2007 and 2014 and have since been updated twice to reflect changes in the dynamic K-12 educational environment, such as the increasing use of digital materials and technologies. Implementation of the Quality Indicators and Critical Components for K-12 is supported through the AEM Pilot, a free online tool that allows state and district teams to set goals and track their progress toward creating more inclusive learning environments. As an extended resource, we invite you to further explore concise definitions and explanations of common terms and acronyms related to AEM and its features, visit the AEM Glossary.
States and local school districts will find the K-12 Critical Components of the Quality Indicators for the Provision of Accessible Educational Materials & Accessible Technologies useful for implementing statutory requirements that mandate equitable access to learning opportunities for students with disabilities, including equal access to printed materials, digital materials, and technologies.
K–12 Critical Components of the AEM Quality Indicators
States and local school districts will find the Quality Indicators useful for implementing statutory requirements that mandate equitable access to learning opportunities for students with disabilities, including equal access to printed materials, digital materials, and technologies.
AEM Center at CAST
K–12 Study Guide
This guide will help you develop knowledge and practical skills related to the Quality Indicators with Critical Components for K-12. It's also useful for preparing to work with a team on systems change at the state and/or local levels.
National AEM Center at CAST
Innovation Configuration for the K-12 AEM Quality Indicators
This guide is aligned with the Quality Indicators with Critical Components for Providing AEM and Accessible Technologies in K-12. Using the Innovation Configuration (IC) for the AEM Quality Indicators, agency representatives identify the level that best describes the implementation stage of each Critical Component, from “not started” to “robust.”
AEM Center at CAST
Relevant Laws and Policies
In addition to guiding state and local education agencies toward more inclusive K-12 settings, the Quality Indicators address the following laws and policies related to equal access for students with disabilities:
- IDEA as relates to the timely provision of accessible materials and technologies
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as relates to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and personalized instruction
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as relates to providing students with disabilities equal access to education with reasonable accommodations and modifications
- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as relates to federal technology accessibility standards in the procurement of digital materials and technologies